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Fixed Annuities – Safe Strategies for Growing Your Clients Wealth


Most people wish for a long and healthy life, but some don’t consider the effects a long life can have on their retirement nest egg. As with other big risks in life, you can help alleviate some of your client’s uncertainty with an annuity. Whether they are still working and planning for their future or already enjoying retirement, an annuity can help ensure financial security in the years ahead by providing safety of principal, growth and a reliable income. Why AIM?

read more: Stick to your Knitting

Annuities may not be your primary focus, however, there are times when this kind of planning solution is what your client is looking for. Don’t walk away and leave money on the table. We have attractive solutions that will help your clients fulfill this planning need.

AIM has a broad selection of both Fixed and Fixed-Indexed Annuities and can help you select the most competitive solution for their unique situation.

Rely On AIM To Do The Research

The Fixed and Fixed-Index Annuity market is in constant motion and generating accurate proposals can be complex if this isn’t your focus. AIM’s marketers can do the research for you including tracking changes in the interest rate environment so you can secure the most advantageous annuity solutions for your clients.