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Turning 65 Mobile App

T65 Leads, At Your Fingertips

Use our Turning 65 Mobile App to instantly identify everyone who is about to turn 65 near you. Their location and details are displayed on a map, allowing you to efficiently reach out, introduce yourself, and make contact.

By introducing yourself to your local T65 prospects, you can establish yourself as THE local expert for Medicare. Make a personal connection, answer any questions, arm them with info, and make a sale.

A great way to cross sell your MEDICARE clients with final expense.

With our Turning 65 Mobile App, you can:

• See people turning 65 near you.

• Get instant quotes on Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, and Final Expense.

• Access policy details and coverage information.

Get Access for Free

This powerful mobile app is available to AIM agents. To get access, click on the link below:

Contact Your AIM Marketer for Access