Training & Webinars

Recorded Events

Webinar: The Most In Demand Product for the Senior Market!


Did you know that Dental insurance is the most requested benefit for your Medicare-eligible clients? And it’s not covered. But we have multiple options for your clients. Most dental/ vision coverage can be added on for a fraction the cost of most other types of insurance. This inexpensive add-on is a surefire sale for you and a must-have for your clients. Join Nicholas Flowers as he takes a closer look at all things Dental and Vision, everything you and your clients need to know, the great carriers we have and more.

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Webinar: Start Selling LTCi in 30 Minutes or Less!

Linked Benefits

The average first year commission of a single MoO LTCi sale is $1,600. And that's just the start - you get lifetime renewals on a product that one of the highest retention rates anywhere. But for most agents, finding qualified LTCi prospects is like finding the needle in the haystack. Fortunately, there is a proven system to identifying cross-marketing opportunities with LTCi sales. To make it work, it requires the right blend of product knowledge and marketing tools. That's why American Independent Marketing, the #1 Long Term Care FMO, and AgentMethods, the #1 insurance online marketing platform, are coming together for an exclusive one-time online webinar. In this webinar, you will learn: - What the true income opportunity is for LTCi sales - A unique way to structure and price LTCi plans to increase sales - How to implement a turn-key marketing system that does the opportunity-finding work for you Don't miss this webinar. It could make your year!

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Webinar: We’ve Cracked the Code: Keeping LTCI Affordable

Long Term Care Insurance

We helped design the product and now we’ve cracked the code to help you position Mutual of Omaha’s repriced LTC plan for affordability. Join Mike to get a look at the cost-saving strategies you can begin utilizing today! Find out how to use all three parts of the Inflation Benefit to get your client’s premium to the price point where affordability lives and where they will make a decision today knowing they can make additional decisions down the road.

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Webinar: Our Consumer Marketing Tools will Boost Your Sales!

Long Term Care Insurance

Is there anything harder than trying to create your own marketing pieces to send to clients? Now you don’t have to. AIM has a wide variety of client approved marketing materials from many carriers. One of the biggest issues when it comes to prospecting and meeting your clients’ needs is not having the right material. ​Join Anthony for our consumer-focused marketing webinar so you too can have these marketing goldmines at your fingertips.

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Webinar: Let Us Show You How to Modernize Your Insurance Sales

Digital marketing

It's time to Modernize Your Insurance Sales, we'll show you how! ​ Join us Wednesday; we’ll unfold the 2022 Insurance Roadmap and show you the big gains you’ll get when you can lock-in client relationships and how to reap the rewards when you master our hands-free customer relationship strategy. We’ll also explain the huge gains in existing customer sales you’ll reap from automating cross-marketing and show you why your existing tools can be better used to reduce the amount of time you spend marketing. We know the route to insurance success. Join us for a copy of the map!

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Webinar: Medicare Advantage Sales are EXPLODING!

Medicare Advantage & PDP

Medicare Advantage sales are hot Hot HOT!! You need to consider this rapidly growing segment if you want to consistently increase your senior sales. The available provider networks are larger than ever before, ensuring that they will meet your client’s needs with zero to low copay doctor visits and Hospital stays. And they offer coverage for Dental, Hearing and Vision and they are continuing to increase these additional features. If you’re not looking at these plans, you’re walking past opportunities to increase your business and profit. Join us and find out how to get started.

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Webinar: Help Your Clients Protect Their Families with Final Expense!

Final Expense Insurance

Final Expense – Burial Insurance – Funeral Insurance. Whatever you call it, final expense insurance is essential in dealing with end-of-life arrangements. And letting your clients know the importance of this product is just as imperative. Join us as we discuss our vast range of final expense products and carriers to give your clients more options and you more opportunities to sell this incredibly crucial product. With unique comparison quoting tools, product toolboxes, sales scripts and training guides and 8 simple steps to selling final expense, you don’t want to miss out!

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Webinar: Worksite is the Answer to More LTC Sales!

Long Term Care Insurance

Selling Long Term Care in the worksite is the simplest way to get in front of large numbers of prospects with an employer endorsement. And with more states joining the LTC Trust bandwagon soon, getting started in your state now makes more sense now than ever. With Our Carriers Life Secure, Mutual of Omaha and NGL we have options to fit many situations. ​Join Don and Mike for an in depth look at why Worksite is the way to go.

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Washington State LTC Tax: What We Experienced and What YOU Can Expect!

Long Term Care Insurance

The Washington LTC Trust and Tax created a tsunami of activity and sales for agents. And there are nearly a dozen other states that are eyeing similar legislation in the very near future. Join Mike and find out what impact this can have on your business and how to be best prepared to maximize your ability to help prospects and grow your agency. Be prepared for when a state run LTC tax comes to YOUR state!

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Webinar: Critical Illness: A Problem Solver

Critical Illness Insurance

Have you ever hoped that there were viable options for your clients who find LTC too expensive or simply can’t qualify due to their health? We have the answer here at AIM! We have the best products to dot your i’s and cross your t’s and provide coverage to fit your clients needs. Join us to learn why Critical Illness is one of the top ancillary products in the nation. When it comes to Guarantee Trust Life and even Mutual of Omaha, we have the right carrier for your needs.

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Webinar: A Guide to Mutual of Omaha’s LTC eApp

Long Term Care Insurance

Are you using the Mutual of Omaha’s LTC eApp to submit your business? If not, you should be! Using the eApp allows you to meet with your clients remotely, speed up the application process, prevent mistakes or missing questions and much more! Join us as we dive into a step-by-step tutorial showcasing just how simple, intuitive and timely submitting business is when using Mutual of Omaha’s great eApp tool!

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Webinar: Mutual of Omaha’s Optional LTC Riders

Long Term Care Insurance

Are you taking full advantage of all that Mutual of Omaha’s LTC has to offer for couples or are you leaving sales on the table? With options such as shared care, survivorship and joint waiver of premium, return of premium and the one-of-a-kind security benefit you can meet any client need. Add in the robust options for inflation and you’re missing out if you aren’t making the most of these opportunities! Learn about all of the LTC Partner benefit options and how you can best utilize them in your sales. Boost your business by giving your clients more options than ever and answering their coverage needs!

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