News & Events

Recorded Events

Webinar: A NEW Jointly Designed Medicare Advantage Plan

Medicare Advantage & PDP

Two of the largest carriers in their spaces, Mutual of Omaha and Wellcare, have come together and formed a strategic alliance to offer jointly designed Medicare Advantage plans in select markets for the 2024 plan year. Join AIM’s Don Erickson and Mutual of Omaha’s Chris Scruggs as they go over state specific highlights, information on the Wellcare Spendables Card, additional plan benefits including dental, vision, and hearing and some highlights on the Wellcare Ascent portal and how to enter and application.

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Webinar: Do your clients want less hassle and worry with hospital stays? Here’s how!

Hospital Indemnity

Are you positioned to help your clients recover from a hospital stay with less hassle and less worry? Join Lead Internal Wholesaler Mike and Anderson and LifeSecure Senior National Sales Manager Toby Kominek and find out why Life Secure’s Hospital Indemnity is the one your clients need.

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Webinar: Get Prepared for LTC Awareness Month with OneAmerica

Linked Benefits

Consumers responded to an in-depth survey on LTC Planning. Join Don and Bridget to go through the data points and OneAmerica’s brand new point-of-sale storytelling illustration tool, that will both help you prepare your marketing efforts for Long Term Care Awareness month.

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Webinar: Help Your Clients Fill Their Coverage Gaps

Hospital Indemnity

There’s no better products to help your senior clients than Hospital Indemnity and Short Term Care and GTL has two plans that you need to know about. Join Derek Lape and GTL’s Greg Esposito to learn more about how these plans will help your clients and boost your sales!

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Webinar: Mutual of Omaha’s LTC Underwriting Updates

Long Term Care Insurance

Mutual of Omaha is constantly trying to make things easier for you and your clients. They have made changes to the underwriting process for LTC that has led to cases being processed much more quickly. Join AIM’s Mike Anderson and Mutual’s Chris Klement to learn how these recent changes have made coverage more accessible for your clients.

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Webinar: Allstate’s expansive product lineup should be in your toolbox!

Medicare Supplement Insurance

Join AIM’s Don Erickson and Allstate’s John Eddleman for an exclusive look into Allstate’s expansive product lineup! Products including Accident, Critical Illness, Term Life, Whole Life (with an accelerated death benefit), Small Market Solutions, Supplemental Health, Disability, Vision and Dental are just the beginning. Allstate has a vast array of fantastic products that you need to have in your toolbox! These products are strong in all age groups with simple plan designs and easy applications. With all these great products and a peek into what’s on the horizon, you don’t want to miss this!

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Webinar: LifeSecure’s Ancillary Products

Hospital Indemnity

In today’s complicated healthcare environment, having the right coverage to fill in gaps is more important than ever. Join AIM’s Derek Lape and LifeSecure’s David Coghill for a dive into a LifeSecure’s ancillary products including Accident, Critical Illness, Hospital Indemnity, Term Life and Final Expense options! LifeSecure has a vast array of fantastic ancillary products that you need to have in your toolbox! These products are strong in all age groups with simple plan designs, guaranteed issue opportunities and easy online applications.

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Webinar: GILICO’s Fixed Index Annuities & WealthChoice Highlight


Do you need help identifying client investment styles, recognizing client biases and aversions in decision-making or positioning Fixed Indexed Annuities to optimize outcomes? GILICO is here to help! Join Derek Lape and Nate Self and learn how to find solutions to biases, including how predictable outcomes remove biases and the solutions GILICO offers to deal with client biases and aversions.

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Webinar: LTC Payroll Tax Review and Status Update – All New!

Long Term Care Insurance

The final report card on the 2021 LTC Payroll Tax campaign in Washington is in! Join Mike Anderson and Steve Alloy to take a look behind the numbers in Washington and what they point toward for California and New York – the two states believed to be up next.

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Webinar: Funding Hybrid LTC by Repurposing Qualified Assets

Linked Benefits

Want to use qualified money to fund an LTC Solution?  With total assets in defined contribution plans in excess of $8.8 trillion, and over 100 million Americans participating in these plans, let us show you how! Join Don Erickson and Bridget Collins as they dive into the details of how to make this option available for your clients today!

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Webinar: Why Should 70% Matter to You?

LTCi Alternatives

Research shows that 70% of Americans over the age of 65 will end up needing some type of Long Term Care support, however, OneAmerica’s LTC Financial Professional Planning Study shows that only 54% of financial professionals currently recommend Long Term Care Insurance to their clients. Join Don Erickson and Bridget Collins to learn more about the flexibility of OneAmerica’s Asset Based LTC solutions and how to help your clients make informed decisions regarding LTC planning.

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Webinar: Join Us and Learn about Nationwide’s Life-LTC Insurance Solutions

Linked Benefits

​Looking to expand your practice? AIM’s Mike Anderson is joined by David Lane, Rodney Cyrus and other key members from Nationwide’s team to learn more about Nationwide’s easy-to-manage cash indemnity long-term care rider benefits on their fixed life insurance solutions. Find out why Nationwide is on your side.

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Upcoming Webinars and Events

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