*Must submit a minimum of 4 Precision Care™ or Hospital Indemnity applications each month to qualify for the representative product’s bonus. Hospital Indemnity and Precision Care™ applications can be combined in order to meet the 4 application minimum. GTL will pay the per application bonus on qualifying business with applications submitted, signed and dated between October 1 and December 31, 2019. All applications must be received at the home office no later than Friday, January 10 and must be effective, issued, paid and inforce on February 15, 2020 to qualify. Bonus excludes any hospital indemnity and cancer internal replacements. Payouts will be processed no later than March 1, 2020. Guarantee Trust has the exclusive right to change the program rules and payout amounts. Participation is based on meeting production minimums and the agent must be in good standing with GTL and comply with all state insurance rules and regulations. Split cases are not eligible. Business written on self or immediate family members will not count toward qualifying production. Premiums under $15 monthly EFT or $180 annually do not count toward qualifying production. Qualifiers must maintain a minimum persistency on qualifying business.