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Monthly Archives:: July 2014

Important Birthday Rule Change – Stonebridge CA and OR

As of 7/1, Stonebridge has implemented a small administrative change in OR and CA around the “birthday rule”. In CA, the actual rule states that 30 days prior to and 30 days after your birthday, you can change med supp carriers/plans, like-to-like or like-to-lesser, guaranteed issue. In OR the rule is the day of and... R...
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United Health Care Re-certification Alert for 2015

Recertify for 2015 NOW – Don’t wait until the last minute! In order to be able to sell for the 2015 season, be sure to certify or re-certify as the case may be. Go to United Health care Agent Portal. Call if you have any questions or need help.
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New Mutual of Omaha 12% Household Discount

Lower Rates – Easier Eligibility Mutual of Omaha now has the highest (12%) and least restrictive household discount in the industry and it puts them right in the thick of things in many states. Applicants qualify when they’ve lived with another adult for at least one year and that person is age 60 or older.... Read more »
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